
Fire Safety Plan

Creating An Eco-Friendly Fire Safety Plan

Fire protection is an essential part of both home and business safety. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses either don’t have decent fire safety plans in place, or they have fire safety plans that could lead to significant environmental damage.

If you’re an environmentally conscious person, you may want to put a bit of time into creating your own sustainable, eco-friendly fire safety plan. There are plenty of ways to do this, but most of them are centered around reducing chemical use.

Start By Identifying Existing Fire Safety Measures

If you’re serious about creating an eco-friendly fire safety plan for your business, the first thing you need to do is make a list of your existing fire protection equipment or measures. These should include things like fire extinguishers, fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and smoke detectors. If you don’t have these things then your fire safety plan is probably well overdue for an update anyway.

Think About Any Chemicals You Use

Think carefully about any chemicals that your fire safety plan makes use of. Are they environmentally friendly, or are they likely to cause significant damage if they make their way to local waterways?

The most likely places for harmful chemicals are in sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers. While you should never compromise your fire safety, there are plenty of eco-friendly options out there that you can use in place of more toxic ones. Do some research and discover them for yourself.